
Thank you for your interest in the AAUW Las Cruces Branch!

Join us for an exciting opportunity to make new friends, learn, be inspired, and support our mission! We are part of a larger state and national organization with a long history of affecting change on the issues women care about education, civil rights, equity in the workplace, reproductive rights, and gender discrimination.

AAUW membership brochure 2025

Click on this link to download and print the membership application

Our Vision is Simple

We bring people together for the common goal of breaking through educational and economic barriers for women and girls.

Our Mission is Sound

To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy

Making an Impact for Women and Girls

AAUW is a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Your membership makes AAUW’s powerful voice even stronger on critical issues affecting women and girls.

In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.


Your membership will be effective immediately and extended through the current membership year.   Please print, complete, and mail the membership application form.  Renewal occurs on the anniversary of when you join AAUW LC.

National, State, and Branch Member Dues
Annual dues are $110, which includes $72 to the national organization, $18 to the state organization, and $20 to our local Las Cruces Branch.

Shape the Future (STF) Memberships will be offered to new members joining at a monthly general meeting or a branch-sponsored public event such as Girls Can!  This gives new members a discount of 1/2 off National dues, or $36.00, with the discounted membership extending for one year.  If interested in joining at a meeting or other AAUW LC revert, please be prepared with a check or cash.  Dues are thus reduced to $74.00

Instructions for Joining as a Branch Member Online:
Go to the AAUW website at
Select “Membership” on the top menu bar on the home page
Select “Branch Members.”  Follow the prompts.

Membership Benefits
Your dues include membership in the Las Cruces AAUW Branch, New Mexico AAUW, and National AAUW. Members receive the following electronic publications: AAUW Outlook from our national association, the Roadrunner from NM AAUW, and our Organ Mountain Views. Branch members can vote, hold office, and participate in all branch interest groups and activities.

Member Opportunities
As a member of our branch, you will have opportunities to:

  • Participate in various events, activities, and interest groups, and develop friendships with interesting, diverse, and informed members;
  • Make a difference in the lives of others in local groups by volunteering in one or more of the organization’s community service opportunities;
  • Participate in our fundraising activities that earn money for local school programs and scholarships for women and girls to continue their education;
  • Help plan and support AAUW’s public policy and political advocacy agenda; and
  • Belong to a community that supports your personal and professional growth.

Membership Criteria
We are actively accepting new members. Membership is open to women and men who hold an associate’s degree, baccalaureate, or higher degree from an accredited college or university.

AAUW Las Cruces, Inc.
PO Box 1081
Las Cruces, NM  88004